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An inquisative juvenile wagtail (pied I think?). There were two grey wagtails by the river who waited patiently for me to stop, change lenses and mount my camera on the monopod before flying off. This chap, however, was not so rude. He was quite intrigued by me and let me get fairly close.

Baby Wagtail

An inquisative juvenile wagtail (pied I think?). There were two grey wagtails by the river who waited patiently for me to stop, change lenses and mount my camera on the monopod before flying off. This chap, however, was not so rude. He was quite intrigued by me and let me get fairly close.

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Photograph Location: Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
Keywords: Wildlife, Birds
Camera settings: Canon EOS 20D. 1/500s. f/5.6. ISO400. Focal length 400mm

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