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I think this meadow pipit was rather intrigued by me. I saw him from a distance, dropped onto my knees, shed my rucksack, then went down on my tummy and crawled through about twenty metres of bracken towards him, durinmg which time he watched me quizzically.

Meadow Pipit

I think this meadow pipit was rather intrigued by me. I saw him from a distance, dropped onto my knees, shed my rucksack, then went down on my tummy and crawled through about twenty metres of bracken towards him, durinmg which time he watched me quizzically.

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Photograph Location: Bushy Park. Teddington, Middlesex
Keywords: Wildlife, Birds
Camera settings: Canon EOS 20D. 1/250s. f/5.6. ISO400. Focal length 400mm

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